Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blessed and Thankful

Oh goodness it's been a hectic  but learning week for us as a family!
For starters patience is the key word when it comes to parenting.  I L O V E being a mom more than anything, but do I have days where I want to have just a moment of silence?? Umm YES! Haha what mom wouldn't??!!
Which brings me to being extremely thankful for my husband and parents.
For Mothers Day my folks purchased a 1HOUR MASSAGE and FOOT SOAK! I  finally set up an appointment and got my loving devoted husband to watch baby for an hour and a half.
It was the recharge I needed, Courtney (massage therapist) put me back in balance since having our son. Her hands are literally magical healing hands!
Her place is called "Peaceful Kneads Massage" I highly reccomend her to ANYONE even expecting Mama's.
Earlier this week my mom and I decided to take pictures of baby Patrick for his 8 months. We draped a sheet on chairs and dressed him up in his daddys first Christmas outfit, and in his normal clothes.
I am still in the process of editing the photos and going to print some out and send them off to family. I will also post them on here to save money on postage :)
Today was amazingly beautiful in Sequim so my Dad and I took the kids to a Car show, Walmart, and a birthday party. I was able to get so many great pictures of Zoe and Baby Patrick!
I know this post is all writing and no pictures but the next post will be ALL photos and very little writing ( I promise) .
Don't forget to Thank all our Veterns this Memorial Day!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Teething, Play Date, and baby on the brain!

Yesterday was Patrick's first actual playdate with my friends son Noah(2yrs).
We have of coarse visited with them many times prior. But this time around Patrick was able to be mobile with Noah. It was the most adorable thing to watch, Noah would bring out ALL of his toys, he is great at sharing!
It still amazes me at how well Patrick warms up to people, especially other children. Both boys played ball, dinosaurs', and took turns chewing on everything! Both of us mommys kept an eye on the kids while we had our adult time. After TWO HOURS of playing and sharing stories, it was time to get  Patrick home for lunch and a nap (cranky babies are NO fun).
I wish I would have taken  my camera to capture them playing, its moments like these that I want to remember forever!

Well recently we have been trying to transition from co-sleeping to crib sleeping. This process is bittersweet, I mean its time for Pat and I to have our bed back and alone time. BUT I absoultly LOVE having our son snuggle with me and knowing he is safe in my arms. It just so happens that the moment we decided to start crib sleeping, baby is also teething!! This makes getting him to sleep that much more difficult. Last night I gave in and let him sleep with us, pratially I was just so pooped, and he was having issues with his toophers.
Thankfully we went to bed early and we slept until 10 am that NEVER happens (YAY).

Just recently Pat and I have been discussing another baby, not until our son turns one though. We know for sure we want atleast one more child, so that Patrick has a sibling to play with (we want a girl too :) ).
I have a girls name picked out ( actually a few) my favorite is "Vivienne Rae Bailey" . I love rare or older names because living in Sequim you hear the same name repeated several times.
We are deffantly enjoying Patrick's "baby" time and aren't rushing it, but we will expand our brood sooner rather than later.

 I did happen to capture Zoe and Patrick reading and playing together, enjoy :-)

Patrick's first truck is a CAT truck, such a daddys boy!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Paying it Forward

First blog post of the year, Wow I am very behind!
Lets start with the most recent happenings in our life:

Today I knew it was time to go through Patrick's clothes and put together a "keep" pile and a "give away" pile. You'd be surprised to know that this process was quite difficult for me.
Acknowledging that our baby boy is growing up brought tears to my eyes, yes I know he is only 7 1/2 months old but man has the time flown by!
The part that got me through this sorting through his first outfits was knowing I was paying it forward by giving someone who doesnt have the money to buy a bunch of baby clothes for their new bundle or bundles of joy.
Today also marked Patrick's first trip to the beach, HA this didn't go as well as I hoped!
Lets just say he was glued to me and DID NOT want ANYTHING to do with the sand or water.
I was able to get a picture of the beach. :-)
I have a verrryyy T.I.R.E.D baby so I better give him his nap before its to late.